Sunday, February 22, 2009

Penny dreadful putting chapstick on a chipmonk = 2¢ for your thoughts

Another sleepless Sunday morning, the tequila & tylenol circling one another like buzzards eying my rotten winter gourd down below, wrestling the Angel in the snowy sheets of Indiana quarreling thus: what if Israel just said "nishbar li ha'zayin!" and packed up the carnival, split for New York with a return engagement say in 200 years- see how things had settled down in the neighborhood? 'Well', the Angel countered (going for half-nelson & a nuggie), 'what if Abraham Lincoln came back here after 200 years; how would he be welcomed'?

The Angel had me there, splayed all candid camera against the Incongruity of It All.

See, I kinda know this hyena in the witness protection program who, subject to the fits and unpredictable spasms of rabies, sprayed a small American flag black & hung it on the aerial of his car; protesting Barack's presidency. I've been encouraging him vigilance with his wolfbane suppositories and also to sleep with 2 pennys on his eyelids in efforts to recall boyhoods past, when every kid wanted to grow up to be president; wise and revered as Honest Abe. That was, of course, before gangsta rap & X-Box.

How I knew, deep in my Johnny young gut even then, I had to live in a log cabin someday, if not the White House.

My son Finn tells me science has recently discovered it possible to draw diamonds from cheap tequila, but at my age I'd be a fool to drink anything except Patron; last night's 50 ml vial now filled only with invisible ink; cork neat in its neck. What the hey, its the end of February and all I can offer are those two pennies. Maybe in March.... there is always hope.

Selah & amen.

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there.”
- Jalal ad-Din Rumi

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